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is std::thread supported on MSVC 11?

i wants to implement a cross platform multithreading program and read that std does support multithreading throug std::thread class but i am not sure if MSVC 11 does support it on this page http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2011/09/12/10209291.aspx

it says about Concurreny Memory Model

Memory model: N2429 made the Core Language recognize the existence of multithreading, but there appears to be nothing for a compiler implementation to do (at least, one that already supported multithreading). So it's N/A in the table

but in the same time the thread header is indeed included in Visual studio 2012

so can anybody help me to realize to what context is std::thread supported in MSVC11

like image 435
Yamen Ajjour Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 18:12

Yamen Ajjour

1 Answers

it says about Concurreny Memory Model

The "Concurrency Memory Model" is not std::thread. The Concurrency Memory Model is language in the standard that explains how variables behave in the presence of threads. Any threads, whether they come from std::thread or OS threads or whatever.

like image 85
Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12

Nicol Bolas