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Is std::future::wait a memory barrier? (I can not explain this data race)

Here is the code:

std::vector<bool> a(req_count_);
std::vector<std::future<void>> waits(req_count_);

for (int i = 0; i < req_count_; i++) {
  // send into a threadpool implementation
  waits[i] = framework::Async([i, &a] {
    a[i] = true; // write true

for (int i = 0; i < req_count_; i++) {
  waits[i].wait(); // memory barrier?

int last_req_count = req_count_;
req_count_ = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < last_req_count; i++) {
  if (!a[i]) { // read false
    return false;

My question is does std::future::wait serves as a memory barrier? std::future::wait waits for the function call to complete, but does the function happens before std::future::wait (e.g., does the state mutation caused by the function call visible from other threads)?

If std::future::wait does not serves as a memory barrier, how can we implement the threadpool so that a memory barrier is triggered automatically when the future completes?

Please correct me if you think my understanding of memory barrier is wrong.

like image 840
Helin Wang Avatar asked Jan 25 '18 22:01

Helin Wang

1 Answers

[container.requirements.dataraces]/2 Notwithstanding [res.on.data.races], implementations are required to avoid data races when the contents of the contained object in different elements in the same container, excepting vector<bool>, are modified concurrently.

[container.requirements.dataraces]/3 [ Note: For a vector<int> x with a size greater than one, x[1] = 5 and *x.begin() = 10 can be executed concurrently without a data race, but x[0] = 5 and *x.begin() = 10 executed concurrently may result in a data race. As an exception to the general rule, for a vector<bool> y, y[0] = true may race with y[1] = true. —end note ]

Emphasis mine. The race happens in a[i] = true;. vector<bool> is not a real container, accessing an "element" requires bit manipulations that touch neighboring elements.

like image 185
Igor Tandetnik Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 09:10

Igor Tandetnik