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Is SHA512Managed considered the best one-way hash available in .NET 3.5 for security?

Three SHA512Managed related questions:

  1. Is SHA512Managed considered the best one-way hash available in .NET 3.5 for security?
  2. What Salt size should be used with SHA512Managed? The application is for strong passwords with at least 8 characters.
  3. Is 512 overkill compared to 256 for small strings?
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Josh Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 23:11


1 Answers

Ben's answer is incorrect, you should not be using SHA* functions to hash passwords. You should be using a hash function that is specifically designed for hashing passwords, such as PBKDF2, BCrypt or SCrypt. Min's answer and comments are correct.

Since you want to use standard .NET library I suggest Rfc2898DeriveBytes which is an implementation of PBKDF2.


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DenNukem Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 06:12
