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Is SHA-256 Case Insensitive?


People also ask

Are checksums case sensitive?

Now it is safe to say that Windows/Linux file checksum is encoded in hexadecimal (Base16) and this is why it is case-insensitive.

Does case matter for hash?

yes hash output is case insensitive because its actually a hexadecimal number, rather than text. note however that if you hash text, then case matters, because hashes use bytedata (rather than character data) and, the byte codes for lower case and upper case letters are different.

Can SHA256 be solved?

As of 2021 technology, the chance of solving a hash with SHA256 algorithm, that is, converting it to the main input, is very very low possibility.

Is SHA-512 safer than SHA256?

Due to the higher collision propability of passwords with sha-256 the use of sha-512 is more recommended. That means in fact: In case of a rainbowtable-attack the passwords hashed with sha-256 algorithm are easier to crack.

I'm running a service that is using SHA-256 on two sides of the application - one is a server-side PHP implementation and the other is a client-side iOS implementation. The result of using the algorithm on both sides is the same alphanumeric string, except for the fact that all letters are capitalized on iOS and lower case on PHP. The fact that they are identical alphanumeric strings leads me to believe that SHA-256 is case insensitive, but I can't find any documentation supporting my assumption. Can someone show me some documentation to confirm this?