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Is session a method or hash in Rails? Slightly confused

Got a really simple question. I'm doing the railstutorial by Michael Hartl and it talks about using the session method:

Logging a user in is simple with the help of the session method defined by Rails... We can treat session as if it were a hash, and assign to it as follows:

session[:user_id] = user.id

It says you can treat session as if it were a hash, but I'm confused because it is called the session method, so is anything actually being called? My guess is that by inserting into the session hash, there is a session function that looks into the hash to see if there is anything present? I'm not really sure how it works.

like image 986
girbic Avatar asked Oct 23 '15 01:10


1 Answers

Would be rude not to mention the Session documentation:

All session stores use a cookie to store a unique ID for each session (you must use a cookie, Rails will not allow you to pass the session ID in the URL as this is less secure).

Basically, each time someone visits your Rails app, it will create a small cookie in their browser, identifiable by a unique ID (not user ID).

This cookie is essentially a Ruby hash, hence why you can store hashed data inside it:

session[:your_hash] = "TEST"

This will allow you to store small snippets of data (such as user_id or others) through requests.

The main reason Rails has this is down to HTTP being a stateless protocol.

Stateless protocols are contrary to stateful protocols; they don't retain the state between requests, thus you have to reinvoke data, etc, each time a new instance of the application is accessed.

Simply, this translates into Rails being a "dumb" system - only remembering data you send it each request. Session variables have been used by developers for decades to provide base information about users / preferences etc, allowing you to "rebuild" a user with each request.

This is why you have to save the user_id as a session - each time you wish to reference a logged-in user's data, it has to be built from that id stored in the sessions hash.

like image 195
Richard Peck Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Richard Peck