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Is RestEasy the right choice? [closed]



Of the JAX-RS implementations it seems RestEasy is the most difficult to get help for. If you look at the mailing list archive for the project at SourceForge you will notice almost none of the questions are answered or at least I have not seen one that was answered. On the JBoss community site there is very little discussion regarding the project.

Is it an unwanted child? I am starting to think it was a mistake choosing it as the JAX-RS implementation for our projects.

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fransvn Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 06:08


1 Answers

It is a good implementation BUT since this is JBOSS (RED) they want money for support and hence no support. Since it supports the JAX-RS spec it should be easy to switch. Just a little effort :-)

like image 148
Assafn Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
