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Is Redis a bottleneck in SignalR + Redis when it comes to scaling out?




I'm interested in SignalR + Redis solution for implementing a server application that is scalable. And my concern is that Redis cluster is not production ready yet! So my question is:

Is Redis a bottleneck in SignalR + Redis when it comes to scaling out? If it is, is there any Linux-based solution that solves the problem?

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Mehran Avatar asked Oct 14 '13 15:10


2 Answers

On a single redis server you can easily handle up to 10K concurrent clients using pubsub. If you are still evaluating what to use, this should be more than you need at your current stage.

Redis cluster is supposed to be production ready by the end of the year or early 2014. You can actually download it and try it already. Lots of people are using it now and reporting the odd bug. The creator of redis is focused on making the cluster work and as of now it is very mature.

By using the proxy you could have up to 1000 nodes simultaneously, with over 10K clients on pubsub, so 10 million of concurrent users. The limit of the cluster is theoritecally of 16384 nodes, but a maximum of 1000 is recommended right now.

Unless you are of facebook scale, you can probably use redis for your case use (and even when you are twitter scale, given twitter uses redis intensively for storing all the timelines on redis)

I've been asked to add some references on a comment, so here you are the relevant links:

On the number of concurrent connections per redis process http://redis.io/topics/clients

On how twitter is using redis http://highscalability.com/blog/2013/7/8/the-architecture-twitter-uses-to-deal-with-150m-active-users.html

On cluster size/specs http://redis.io/topics/cluster-spec

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Javier Ramirez Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Javier Ramirez

Is Redis a bottleneck in SignalR + Redis when it comes to scaling out? If it is, is there any Linux-based solution that solves the problem?

I don't think so. Check the below article on how to scale out using Redis


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Ruchira Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10
