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Is putting your favicon.ico file in a non-root path a bad idea?

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Does favicon need to be in root?

Please note: Your favicon does not have to be placed in the root directory of your site — it just usually is. If you saved it in another location, just make sure the href attribute is accurate. So if you saved it to a subfolder named “images” then you'd type in <href="images/favicon.

Where should favicon ICO be?

To add a favicon to your website, either save your favicon image to the root directory of your webserver, or create a folder in the root directory called images, and save your favicon image in this folder. A common name for a favicon image is "favicon.ico".

Can I put favicons in a folder?

The easiest way to add the favicon to your site is to simply upload the favicon. ico file to your root directory.

What is favicon ico file?

The favicon. ico file is a small graphic icon that is used by some browsers (including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox) to enhance the display of address bar information and "favorites" bookmark lists. When requesting a resource, these browsers also try to locate the site's custom favicon.

Remember that not all requests to your site are for HTML pages! Requests for non-HTML content, like bare image files (e.g, viewing http://example.com/image.jpeg directly in the browser), cannot see a <link> tag. Therefore, they must fall back to searching for the shortcut icon in the standard location at /favicon.ico.

This still doesn't mean that this needs to be the canonical location, though! You can still keep it in /images/favicon.ico if you want - just make sure that a redirect is in place from /favicon.ico to wherever your preferred location is.