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"is" - operator for Type

I use the "is" operator to find a certain class:

for(int i=0; i<screens.Count; i++){
  if(screen is ScreenBase){
    //do something...

This works fine especially as it finds any class that inherits from the ScreenBase but not the base classes from ScreenBase.

I would like to do the same when I know only the Type and don't want to instantiate the class:

Type screenType = GetType(line);
if (screenType is ScreenBase)

But this comparsion produces a warning as it will compare to the "Type" class.

The only alternative I know would be to compare with ==typeof but this would test only for the exact type and not the inherited ones. Is there a way to get a similar behaviour like the "is" operator but for the type described by the Type-class?

like image 745
michael Avatar asked Sep 18 '11 19:09


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1 Answers

The only alternative I know would be to compare with ==typeof but this would test only for the exact type and not the inherited ones. Is there a way to get a similar behaviour like the "is" operator but for the type described by the Type-class?

If GetType(line) returns a type (I'd recommend a better name for that, btw), you can use Type.IsAssignableFrom:

if (typeof(ScreenBase).IsAssignableFrom(GetType(line)))
like image 69
Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Reed Copsey