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Is NSDictionary key order guaranteed the same as initialized if it never changes?

I've run into the same problem as found in this question. However, I have a follow-up question. I seem to be in the same situation as the original asker: I have a plist with a hierarchy of dictionaries that define a configuration screen. These are not mutable and will stay the same throughout the application. Since the original discussion seems to focus on problems arising from mutating the dictionary, I must ask for comfirmation: is the order of a dictionary guaranteed the same as they are in the plist, i.e. as it is read (with initWithContentsOfFile)? Can I use allKeys on it in this case to get a correct-order array of keys if the dictionary never changes?

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Thaurin Avatar asked Mar 22 '10 23:03


2 Answers

No, the keys are not likely to appear in the same order as your plist file. I can't look under the hood, but I would guess that the keys are ordered in whatever way that provides an efficient look-up. The documentation for allKeys says that the order of the elements in the array is not defined.

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dreamlax Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


If you need an NSDictionary that maintains order, take a look at CHDataStructure's CHOrderedDictionary, which does exactly that. I use it all the time.

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Dave DeLong Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 20:11

Dave DeLong