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Is nesting constructors (or factory methods) good, or should each do all init work [closed]



Is it a good idea (from a design POV) to nest constructor calls for overloaded New or Factory style methods? This is mostly for simple constructors, where each overload builds on the previous one.

MyClass( arg1 ) {      _arg1 = arg1;      _otherField = true;      _color="Blue"  } MyClass( arg1, arg2) : this(arg1) {      _arg2 = arg2   } MyClass( arg1, arg2, arg3) : this(arg1, ar2) {      _arg3 = arg3;  } 

Or with factory methods:

static NewInstance(arg1 ) {     _arg1 = arg1;        } static NewInstance(arg1, arg2) {    f = NewInstance(arg1);    f._arg2 = arg2; } //... and so on 

I can see a few drawbacks on both sides

  • Nesting hides what the constructor is doing
  • Not nesting duplicates all the functionality

So, is doing this a good idea, or does it set me up for something I'm just not seeing as a problem. For some reason I feel uneasy doing it, mostly because it divides up the responsibility for initializing.

Edit: @Jon Skeet: I see now why this was bothering me so much. I was doing it backwards! I wrote the whole thing and didn't even notice, it just smelled. Most other cases I have (that I wrote), do it the way you recommend, but this certainly isn't the only one that I have done like this. I do notice that the more complicated ones I did properly, but the simple ones I seem to have gone sloppy. I love micro edits. I also like acronymns!

like image 777
Andrew Avatar asked Nov 12 '08 18:11


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Why would one use the factory method rather than just using a constructor?

The factory method is a smart way to create objects in Java and provides several advantages over the traditional approach of creating objects using constructors in Java. It can also improve the quality of code by making the code more readable, less coupled, and improves performance by caching.

When would you use a factory constructor?

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When a designer implements it automatically initializes with for static object?

A static constructor is called automatically. It initializes the class before the first instance is created or any static members declared in that class (not its base classes) are referenced. A static constructor runs before an instance constructor.

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1 Answers

I think it's reasonable to chain constructors together, but I do it the other way - the version with fewer parameters calls the version with more parameters. That way it makes it very clear what's happening, and all the real "logic" (beyond the default values) is in a single place. For example:

public Foo(int x, int y) {     this.x = x;     this.y = y;     precomputedValue = x * y; }  private static int DefaultY {     get { return DateTime.Now.Minute; } }  public Foo(int x) : this(x, DefaultY) { }  public Foo() : this(1, DefaultY) { } 

Note that if you have lots of constructor overloads, you may wish to move to static factory methods instead - that usually makes the code clearer, as well as allowing multiple methods to take the same set of parameters, e.g.

public static XmlDocument FromText(string xml)  public static XmlDocument FromFile(string filename) 
like image 113
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Jon Skeet