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Is Knockback.js production ready? [closed]

I've used Backbone.js, I've learned about Knockout.js; however, now I found out about Knockback.js. It is supposed to get the best out of the other two tried& proven frameworks. Do you have any experience with Knockback in production? I'm wary to use it since it doesn't seem to be mature enough.

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Mihai Oprea Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 14:03

Mihai Oprea

People also ask

Is KnockoutJS still used?

Today, Knockout. js mostly exists in legacy applications and developers try to move to something newer, like Vue.

Is knockout JS hard to learn?

Learning curve As you can see, all of these frameworks are easy to learn but hard to master. Building the first application with Knockout is challenging because you'll need to write lots of custom adapters for third-party libraries. Development becomes easier once you finish writing the infrastructure code.

Why knockout JS is used?

Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you to create rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model.

Is knockout js a framework?

Knockout is a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Model–View–ViewModel pattern with templates. The underlying principles are therefore: a clear separation between domain data, view components and data to be displayed.

2 Answers

I've been using Knockback on a large multi-module project with good results. The docs and examples are unnecessarily complex, so I wrote a blog describing Knockback with some very simple examples and a JSFiddle to get you started.


Feedback is most welcome!

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Dave Cadwallader Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Dave Cadwallader

I wouldn't use it yet. It's hard enough to get corporate buy in on knockoutJS.

I guess it all has to do with the size of your company, the willingness to support alpha / beta / volatile open source projects.

It is the nature of the beast, this bleeding edge of innovation. Skating that thin ice of unsuportability.

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22 revs, 15 users 88% Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 02:09

22 revs, 15 users 88%