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Is it valid C++ to implement a template class's methods differently for different types without using specialization syntax?



I'm code reviewing a colleagues code and found this:

Header file:

template<class T>
class MyClass
  void Execute();

Cpp file:

void MyClass<int>::Execute()
  // something

void MyClass<string>::Execute()
  // something else

The code is specializing the function, but without using template specialization syntax. I guess it's working ok, but is it valid?

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Scott Langham Avatar asked Aug 23 '12 14:08

Scott Langham

2 Answers

Yes, it's perfectly valid to specialize methods of a template class.

But your syntax is wrong, it should be: (sorry, didn't see you were missing the template<> initially. Just assumed it was there and thought you were asking about member function specialization.)

void MyClass<int>::Execute()
  // something
void MyClass<string>::Execute()
  // something else

You need only declare these in the header. If you implement them in the header as well, you'll need to mark them inline to prevent multiple definition.

When calling a method, the version that suits the call most is called. Otherwise, the default.

In your case, if you specialize the template with a class X and attempt to call Execute, you'll get a linker error because you haven't provided a default implementation, nor a specialization for Execute for X.

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Luchian Grigore Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11

Luchian Grigore

The question has already been answered, but let me draw attention to subtle differences between three cases.

Case 1: Specialization


template <typename T> struct Foo
    void f() { /* stuff */ }

template <> void Foo<int>::f();


template <> void Foo<int>::f() { /* ... */ }

In this case, Foo<T>::f() can be called for any T. The definition for the general case is auto-generated from the template; the definition for Foo<int>::f() is the one provided. Having the specialization in the header alerts every consuming translation unit that a separate symbol is to be looked up, rather than to use the template.

Case 2: Definition


template <typename T> struct Foo
    void f();


template <> void Foo<int>::f() { /* ... */ }

In this case, only Foo<int>::f() can be used; everything else will cause a linker error. Since there is no definition of the function in the template, every use of the template will cause a new symbol to be emitted, and only the one for Foo<int>::f() is provided by the shown translation unit.

Case 3: Flagrant error


template <typename T> struct Foo
    void f() { /* stuff */ }


template <> void Foo<int>::f() { /* ... */ }

This is a violation of the one-definition rule, since there are now multiple definitions of Foo<int>::f().

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Kerrek SB Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11

Kerrek SB