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Is it safe to turn a UUID into a short code? (only use first 8 chars)

We use UUIDs for our primary keys in our db (generated by php, stored in mysql). The problem is that when someone wants to edit something or view their profile, they have this huge, scary, ugly uuid string at the end of the url. (edit?id=.....)

Would it be safe (read: still unique) if we only used the first 8 characters, everything before the first hyphen?

If it is NOT safe, is there some way to translate it into something else shorter for use in the url that could be translated back into the hex to use as a lookup? I know that I can base64 encode it to bring it down to 22 characters, but is there something even shorter?

EDIT I have read this question and it said to use base64. again, anything shorter?

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helloandre Avatar asked Dec 30 '10 16:12


People also ask

Is short UUID safe?

shortuuid is a simple python library that generates concise, unambiguous, URL-safe UUIDs. Often, one needs to use non-sequential IDs in places where users will see them, but the IDs must be as concise and easy to use as possible.

How many characters is a UUID?

What is a UUID. Universally Unique Identifiers, or UUIDS, are 128 bit numbers, composed of 16 octets and represented as 32 base-16 characters, that can be used to identify information across a computer system. This specification was originally created by Microsoft and standardized by both the IETF and ITU.

Is substring of UUID unique?

In general, UUIDs were designed to be unique in their entirety and make no promises about substring uniqueness.

1 Answers

Shortening the UUID increases the probability of a collision. You can do it, but it's a bad idea. Using only 8 characters means just 4 bytes of data, so you'd expect a collision once you have about 2^16 IDs - far from ideal.

Your best option is to take the raw bytes of the UUID (not the hex representation) and encode it using base64. Or, just don't worry much, because I seriously doubt your users care what's in the URL.

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Nick Johnson Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09

Nick Johnson