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Is it Required to Verify receiver numbers on twilio

I am using Twilio API to send SMS to users .

My question is here that is it required to verify every reciver numver on twilio?

right now its saying for every receiver.

"The number is unverified. Trial accounts cannot send messages to unverified numbers; verify at twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/verified, or purchase a Twilio number to send messages to unverified numbers."

Thanks Dalvir

like image 779
Dalvir Singh Avatar asked Jul 17 '15 09:07

Dalvir Singh

1 Answers

Twilio developer evangelist here.

It is only required to verify numbers that you want to send SMS to when your account is in trial mode. If you upgrade your account you will be able to send SMS messages to any number.

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philnash Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
