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Is it possible to use Xtext without eclipse?




I have a DSL (implemented with ANTLR) for which I need to write a content assist/autocomplete editor. I've ported a prototype of my grammar to Xtext, and I'm quite happy with the quality of the editor it generates.

Unfortunately, I cannot use Eclipse as my editor. Instead, I'd like use the Xtext grammar to generate some artifacts that I could reuse outside of Eclipse. From what I've seen, the minimum set of artifacts I need are:

  • the EMF models,
  • the parsers,
  • the *ProposalProviders, and
  • the required libraries.

Has anyone tried to use Xtext outside of Eclipse? How many external libraries does it depend on?


like image 346
Juan Tamayo Avatar asked Oct 20 '11 18:10

Juan Tamayo

1 Answers

for the backend part (parser / serializer / formatter / metamodel etc) this is not problem and it will require about 30 libaries / 17MB. the ui part requires eclipse.

you can use the export -> runnable jar file wizard to get all dependent libs you need

like image 76
Christian Dietrich Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Christian Dietrich