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Is it possible to use subquery in leftJoinAndSelect in TypeORM




So i've got a project on nestjs and using TypeORM. And my situation is i have a User which have One-to-May relation with UserSubscrption. Default find query added all subscriptions to User as it should be. So now i want to find one specific subscription, for example last added. So i build this query:

    const query = this.createQueryBuilder("user")
    .leftJoinAndSelect("user.settings", "settings")
      subQuery => {
          return subQuery
              .from(UserSubscription, "subscription")
              .where("subscription.userId = :id AND subscription.isConfirmed = :isConfirmed", { id, isConfirmed: true })
              .orderBy('"createdDate"', 'DESC')
      }, 'subscription', '"subscription"."userId" = "user"."id"')
    .where('user.id = :id', { id });
    const result = await query.getOne(); // await query.execute()

First, i try just execute the query and it works fine but all the data not structured

    user_id: 1,
    user_username: 'name',
    settings_id: 1,
    settings_ifOnline: true,
    subscriptions_id: 1,
    subscriptions_subscriptionId: 1,

So it's not good.

Then i try query.getOne() but it wont work as i want, it's lost all subscription data

User {
  id: 1,
  username: 'name',
  settings: UserNotificationSettings {
    id: 1,
    ifOnline: true,

Also, i tried to add virtual field subscription to user entity and try to use leftJoinAndMapOne:

    .leftJoinAndSelect("user.settings", "settings")
      subQuery => {
          return subQuery
              .from(UserSubscription, "subscription")
              .where("subscription.userId = :id AND subscription.isConfirmed = :isConfirmed", { id, isConfirmed: true })
              .orderBy('"createdDate"', 'DESC')
      }, 'subscription', '"subscription"."userId" = "user"."id"')

But with no luck. In docs it's said that "Subqueries are supported in FROM, WHERE and JOIN expressions." but no example is provided. So, i have no idea how to handle this i belive pretty much simple query with TypeORM. Any suggestions? i'm kinda stuck with this. May be there is some better way than buildibg queries? Thanks.


 export class User extends BaseEntity {
  id: number;

  // subscription: UserSubscription;

  @OneToMany(type => UserSubscription, subscriptions => subscriptions.user, { cascade:true })
  subscriptions: UserSubscription[];

  @OneToOne(type => UserNotificationSettings, settings => settings.user, { cascade:true })
  settings: UserNotificationSettings;


export class UserSubscription extends BaseEntity {
  id: number;

  @OneToOne(type => Subscription)
  subscription: Subscription

  subscriptionId: number

  @ManyToOne(type => User, user => user.subscriptions)
  user: User

  @Column({type: 'integer'})
  userId: number

  @Column({ type: 'boolean', default: false })
  isConfirmed: boolean

like image 978
endoffme Avatar asked Apr 17 '20 15:04


People also ask

What is leftJoinAndSelect?

The definition for leftJoinAndSelect is: /** * LEFT JOINs entity's property and adds all selection properties to SELECT. * Given entity property should be a relation. * You also need to specify an alias of the joined data. * Optionally, you can add condition and parameters used in condition.

How do I join TypeORM?

TypeORM has a method called innerJoinAndSelect . You use plain innerJoin . That is why user table is not selected from. Once you change that part to innerJoinAndSelect , watch table will be selected from.

1 Answers

Using the SubQueryFactory option does not automatically create the on clause as the condition as it cannot know what the underlying query's alias is that you're trying to join with. It doesn't have the context afforded by the metadata of .leftJoinAndSelect('user.photos', 'photos') because of how it's been written.

Instead, you have to explicitly define the condition. In your case:

const result = await userRepo
                         qb => qb
                            .from(UserPhotos, 'p')
                            .orderBy({ 'p.updatedAt': 'ASC' })
                         'photos.userId = user.id' // the answer
                     .getRawMany() // .getMany() seems not working

Here is the actual answer: https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/issues/6767


I saw that .getMany() is not working when using SubQueryFactory. Insted you can use .getRawMany().

like image 101
Zawad Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11
