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Is it possible to use puppeteer to pass a Javascript object to nodejs?


I am using Posenet (see the in browser demo here) for keypoint detection. I have set it up to run on a WebRTC MediaStream, s.t.:

Client: Runs in a chrome tab on machine A. Initializes WebRTC connection and sends a MediaStream to Server. Receives back real time keypoint data from Server via WebRTC's DataChannel.

Server: Runs in a chrome tab on machine B, receives a WebRTC stream and passes the corresponding MediaStream to Posenet. Posenet does its thing and computes keypoints. This keypoint data is then send back to the client via WebRTC's DataChannel (if you have a better idea, I'm all ears).

Problem: I would like to have the server receive multiple streams from various clients and run Posenet on each, sending real time keypoint data to all clients. Though I'm not thrilled about the server utilizing Chrome, I am fine with using puppeteer and Chrome's headless mode for now, mainly to abstract away WebRTC's complexity.


I have tried two approaches, being heavily in favor of approach #2:

Approach #1

Run @tensorflow/tfjs inside the puppeteer context (i.e. inside a headless chrome tab). However, I cannot seem to get the PoseNet Browser Demo working in headless mode, due to some WebGL error (it does work in non-headless mode though). I tried the following (passing args to puppeteer.launch() to enable WebGL, though I haven't had any luck - see here and here for reference):

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

async function main() {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    headless: true,
    args: ['--enable-webgl-draft-extensions', '--enable-webgl-image-chromium', '--enable-webgl-swap-chain', '--enable-webgl2-compute-context']
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/demos/posenet/camera.html', {
    waitUntil: 'networkidle2'
  // Make chromium console calls available to nodejs console
  page.on('console', msg => {
    for (let i = 0; i < msg.args().length; ++i)
      console.log(`${i}: ${msg.args()[i]}`);


In headless mode, I am receiving this error message.

0: JSHandle:Initialization of backend webgl failed
0: JSHandle:Error: WebGL is not supported on this device

This leaves me with question #1: How do I enable WebGL in puppeteer?

Approach #2

Preferably, I would like to run posenet using the @tensorflow/tfjs-node backend, to accelerate computation. Therefore, I would to link puppeteer and @tensorflow/tfjs-node, s.t.:

  • The puppeteer-chrome-tab talks WebRTC with the client. It makes a Mediastream object available to node.
  • node takes this MediaStream and passes it to posenet, (and thus @tensorflow/tfjs-node), where the machine learning magic happens. node then passes detected keypoints back to puppeteer-chrome-tab which uses its RTCDataChannel to communicate them back to client.


The problem is that I cannot seem to get access to puppeteer's MediaStream object within node, to pass this object to posenet. I'm only getting access to JSHandles and ElementHandles. Is it possible to pass the javascript object associated with the handle to node?

Concretely, this error is thrown:

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: When running in node, pixels must be an HTMLCanvasElement like the one returned by the `canvas` npm package
    at NodeJSKernelBackend.fromPixels (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-node/dist/nodejs_kernel_backend.js:1464:19)
    at Engine.fromPixels (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:749:29)
    at fromPixels_ (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/ops/browser.js:85:28)
    at Object.fromPixels (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/ops/operation.js:46:29)
    at toInputTensor (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow-models/posenet/dist/util.js:164:60)
    at /home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow-models/posenet/dist/util.js:198:27
    at /home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:349:22
    at Engine.scopedRun (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:359:23)
    at Engine.tidy (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:348:21)
    at Object.tidy (/home/work/code/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/globals.js:164:28)

Logging the pixels argument that is passed to NodeJSKernelBackend.prototype.fromPixels = function (pixels, numChannels) {..}, it evaluates to an ElementHandle. I am aware that I can access serializable properties of a Javascript object, using puppeteer's page.evaluate. However, if I were to pass the CanvasRenderingContext2D's imageData (using the method getImageData() to node by calling puppeteer.evaluate(..), this means stringifying an entire raw image and then reconstructing it in node's context.

This leaves me with question #2: Is there any way to make an object from puppeteer's context accessible (read-only) directly inside node, without having to go through e.g. puppeteer.evaluate(..)?

like image 957
Sean Avatar asked Aug 30 '19 21:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

I recommend another approach with is to ditch the idea of using puppeteer on the server-side and instead implementing an actual WebRTC client in Node.js which then directly uses PoseNet via @tensorflow/tfjs-node.

Why not to use puppeteer on the server-side

Using puppeteer on the server-side introduces a lot of complexity. On top of active WebRTC connections to multiple clients you now also have to manage one browser (or one tab at least) per connection. So, not only do you have to think about what happens when the connection to the clients fails, but you also have to prepare for other scenarios like browser crashes, page crashes, WebGL support (per page), document in the browser not loading, memory/CPU usage of the browser instances, ...

That said, let's go over your approaches.

Approach 1: Running Tensorflow.js inside puppeteer

You should be able to get this running by using only the cpu backend. You can set the backend like this before using any other code:


You might also be able to get WebGL running (as you are not the only one having problems with WebGL and puppeteer). But even if you get it running, you are now running a Node.js script to start a Chrome browser that starts a WebRTC session and Tensorflow.js training inside a website. Complexity-wise, this will be very hard to debug if any problems occur...

Approach 2: Transferring the data between puppeteer and Node.js

This approach will be nearly impossible without a large slowdown (regarding the sending and receiving of frames). puppeteer needs to serialize any exchanged data. There is no such thing as shared memory or shared data objects between the Node.js and the browser environment. This means you would have to serialize each frame (all the pixels...) to transfer them from the browser environment to Node.js. Performance-wise, this might work okay for small images, but will become worse the bigger your images are.

All in all, you are introducing a lot of complexity if you want to go with one of your two approaches. Therefore, let's look at the alternative.

Alternative approach: Send your video stream directly to your server

Instead of using puppeteer to establish a WebRTC connection, you can directly implement a WebRTC peer. I read form your question that you fear the complexity, but it is probably worth the hassle.

To implement a WebRTC server, you can use the library node-webrtc, which allows to implement a WebRTC peer on the server-side. There are multiple examples, of which one is very interesting for your use case. This is the video-compositing example, which establishes a connection between client (browser) and server (Node.js) to stream a video. Then the server will modify the sent frames and put a "watermark" on top of them.

Code Sample

The following code shows the most relevant lines from the video-compositing example. The code reads a frame from the input stream and creates a node-canvas object from it.

const lastFrameCanvas = createCanvas(lastFrame.width,  lastFrame.height);
const lastFrameContext = lastFrameCanvas.getContext('2d', { pixelFormat: 'RGBA24' });

const rgba = new Uint8ClampedArray(lastFrame.width *  lastFrame.height * 4);
const rgbaFrame = createImageData(rgba, lastFrame.width, lastFrame.height);
i420ToRgba(lastFrame, rgbaFrame);

lastFrameContext.putImageData(rgbaFrame, 0, 0);
context.drawImage(lastFrameCanvas, 0, 0);

You now have a canvas object, which you can use the feed into the PoseNet like this:

const net = await posenet.load();

// ...
const input = tf.browser.fromPixels(lastFrameCanvas);
const pose = await net.estimateSinglePose(input, /* ... */);

The resulting data now needs to be transferred back to the client which can be done by using a data channel. There is also an example (ping-pong) in the repository regarding that, which is much simpler than the video example.

Although you might fear the complexity of using node-webrtc, I recommend giving this approach and node-webrtc-examples a try. You can check out the repository first. All examples are ready to try and play around with.

like image 194
Thomas Dondorf Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Thomas Dondorf