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Is it possible to use Parallax inside a Facebook App?

I was looking into tutorials and showcase on Parallax for webdesign and all of them use jQuery to achieve the desired results on the page. Is it possible to use Parallax effects inside Facebook Apps? Specially apps inside pages (Page Tab).

I've noticed that Facebook Tabs Apps do not work properly with some jQuery functions, so this might break the desired result for scrolling. Also, it will be inside an iframe and I've seen some bad results for parallax + iframes.

Reference of a good Parallax code: Smashing Magazine Parallax Tutorial

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Gus Fune Avatar asked Apr 02 '12 16:04

Gus Fune

1 Answers

Yes, Parallax is possible in a Facebook app. I myself have worked on a Facebook app that has some (weak) Parallax functionality. Certainly, Parallax isn't going to be as visually impressive in a small frame as it would be when the content is full-page, but it's entirely functionality possible. I'm not sure why anyone would think it wouldn't be.

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AlliterativeAlice Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09
