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Is it possible to use multiline todo's in IntelliJ IDEA?

If yes, how ?

If not, is there a workaround to get similar functionality ?


What I mean is something like this :

// TODO line1 // line2 // line3 

and line1, line2, line3 belong to the same TODO and get highlighted with blue.

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jhegedus Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 11:02


People also ask

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Since 1.3 Android Studio ships with a set of live templates. One of which does exactly what you want. In order to activate it, simply type todo followed by a tab. Also works with fixme and stopship .

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To quickly add a line comment in IntelliJ IDEA, press ⌘ / on macOS or Ctrl + / on Windows and Linux. Block comments or multi-line comments usually take the form of a paragraph.

How do I see Todo in IntelliJ?

Toolbar Buttons Select a filter or open the TODO dialog to edit the list of TODO patterns and filters as necessary. Select how to group TODO items in the list. Not available for the Current File tab. Show a preview pane with the source code of the selected file and the corresponding TODO item highlighted.

1 Answers

This is supported since 2018.3.

Multiline TODO comments

Multiline TODO comments

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 now supports multiline TODO comments, now the first and all subsequent TODO comment lines are highlighted in the editor and listed in the TODO Tool Window. Simply add an indent starting from the second line of your multiline TODO comment, and the IDE will differentiate it from an ordinary comment.

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congusbongus Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
