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Is it possible to use material-ui button navigation with react-router?

I have a web app that I'v designed with material-UI and as you can see below I'm using Button navigation for navigating through my basic landing page components.

<div className="footer">   <BottomNavigation value={value} onChange={this.handleChange} className={classes.root}>     <BottomNavigationAction label="signal" value="signal" icon={<ShowChart />} className={classes.content}/>     <BottomNavigationAction label="hotlist" value="hotlist" icon={<HotList />} className={classes.content}/>     <BottomNavigationAction label="analyze" value="analyze" icon={<PieChart />} className={classes.content}/>     <BottomNavigationAction label="learn" value="learn" icon={<LibraryBooks/>} className={classes.content}/>     <BottomNavigationAction label="dashboard" value="dashboard" icon={<PermIdentity/>} className={classes.content}/>   </BottomNavigation>   </div> 

I've tried to use React-Router with these predefiend navigation component but that didn't work, is there any possible way to use Router with Button navigation of material-UI? Button navigation article in material-UI ButtonNavigation API

like image 989
El. Avatar asked Jul 08 '18 13:07


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How do I use the react button on my router?

To use a button as a link in React, wrap the button in an <a> tag or a Link component if using react router. The button will get rendered instead of the link and clicking on it will cause the browser to navigate to the specified page.

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React Navigation is a popular library for routing and navigation in a React Native application. This library helps solve the problem of navigating between multiple screens and sharing data between them.

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To navigate to the courses route, we will use the history. push method of the useHistory object. We will add an event handler “onClick” for our button component and define a function “coursesPage ” that handles the click event. The coursesPage function enables us to redirect to another route on clicking the button.

1 Answers

Yes, it's possible. You need to use the component prop:

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';  import BottomNavigation from '@material-ui/core/BottomNavigation'; import BottomNavigationAction from '@material-ui/core/BottomNavigationAction';  // ....  <BottomNavigation value={value} onChange={this.handleChange}>     <BottomNavigationAction         component={Link}         to="/signal"         label="signal"         value="signal"         icon={<ShowChart />}         className={classes.content}     /> </BottomNavigation> 

(the to prop is for React Router's Link component)

This works with any Material-UI component that inherits from ButtonBase.



The properties of the ButtonBase component are also available. You can take advantage of this behavior to target nested components.



component - The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a DOM element or a component.

like image 82
thirtydot Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09
