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Is it possible to use LinqPad with PostgreSQL?

The comment here says I can use LightSpeed, which I've downloaded and installed. Then I get to this screen:

And I'm not sure what to do. I'm not too familiar with connection strings, first of all. I found this, but... I think "Model assembly" and "Unit of work class" are required. I don't have any DLL's and I'm not working with LightSpeed models, so I'm not sure this is even useful.

The IQ addon Driver works great with my MySQL database. Really easy to set up and use. Are there any drivers that work with PostgreSQL yet? Looks like you can add them by choosing an "*.lpx" file.

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mpen Avatar asked Nov 05 '11 05:11


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PostgreSql. dll from the source code binaries. Now you can access PostgreSQL database using LINQ.

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LINQPad is not just for LINQ queries, but any C#/F#/VB expression, statement block or program. Put an end to those hundreds of Visual Studio Console projects cluttering your source folder and join the revolution of LINQPad scripters and incremental developers. Reference your own assemblies and NuGet packages.

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pgAdmin. pgAdmin is a tool that has been specifically designed for database management and has a GUI to manage (or administration) PostgreSQL databases. This also helps the developer to expedite PostgreSQL-specific debugging and analysis.

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SQL commands are typically entered using the PostgreSQL interactive terminal psql, but other programs that have similar functionality can be used as well.

1 Answers

I've developed a dynamic LINQPad driver for PostgreSQL databases. Using it you can query the database without the necessity to define your model first (similar to the IQ or the built in LINQ to SQL driver).

You can find it on GitHub:


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fknx Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
