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Is it possible to use jQuery to read meta tags

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How do I read meta tags?

If you want to find out whether a given page is using meta tags, just right-click anywhere on the page and select “View Page Source.” A new tab will open in Chrome (in Firefox, it'll be a pop-up window). The part at the top, or “head” of the page, is where the meta tags would be.

What is meta tag in Javascript?

The <meta> tag defines metadata about an HTML document. Metadata is data (information) about data. <meta> tags always go inside the <head> element, and are typically used to specify character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings.

Does Google read meta tags?

At least for Google's web search results currently (September 2009), the answer is no. Google doesn't use the keywords meta tag in our web search ranking.

How are metatags used in SEO?

Meta tags are snippets of code that tell search engines important information about your web page, such as how they should display it in search results. They also tell web browsers how to display it to visitors.

Just use something like:

var author = $('meta[name=author]').attr('content');

or this as well

var author = $('meta[name=author]').prop('content');

Would this parser help you?


It parses meta OG data to JSON, so you can just use the data directly. If you prefer, you can read/write them directly using JQuery, of course. For example:

$("meta[property='og:title']").attr("content", document.title);
$("meta[property='og:url']").attr("content", location.toString());

Note the single-quotes around the attribute values; this prevents parse errors in jQuery.

I just tried this, and this could be a jQuery version-specific error, but


resulted in the following syntax error for me:

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: meta[property=twitter:image]

Apparently it doesn't like the colon. I was able to fix it by using double and single quotes like this:


(jQuery version 1.8.3 -- sorry, I would have made this a comment to @Danilo, but it won't let me comment yet)

jQuery now supports .data();, so if you have

<div id='author' data-content='stuff!'>


var author = $('#author').data("content"); // author = 'stuff!'