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Is it possible to use JAX-RS as a web framework?





I've been looking into JAX-RS lately because I really like the Java platform and a RESTful style of web development. I've read a lot about using JAX-RS for creating RESTful Web Services, but is it possible to use JAX-RS to create RESTful web sites? I guess more specifically, is it possible to use JAX-RS as a controller (to retrieve required data from the server) and then forward control to a view engine to render the appropriate HTML?

I've been googling around but haven't found any resources that show you how to do this.

Thanks for any insight/help.

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Brian DiCasa Avatar asked Jul 14 '10 00:07

Brian DiCasa

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1 Answers

I think you are having difficulty with your google searches because not many people are doing this. JAX-RS was designed for web services, so developers don't think of using it as a controller for web applications. However, there is no reason it wouldn't work.

Check out this blog post: JAX-RS as the one Java web framework to rule them all?

I think it's exactly the kind of thing you are looking for.

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dbyrne Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
