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Is it possible to use app_offline with Azure Websites?

I connected to my Azure Website (reserved) via FTP this evening and uploaded an app_offline.htm file (tried HTML as well) but it isn't causing the application to stop as an app_offline.htm file would in a normal hosting environment.

Is it possible to do this on Azure Websites?

The site is a DotNetNuke site, but I doubt that has anything to do with it (as all of my other sites are based on DNN in normal hosting)

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Chris Hammond Avatar asked Jul 20 '12 05:07

Chris Hammond

2 Answers

Since stopping the service and bringing it back up worked, you should be able to "touch" the web.config file to get the same effect without going offline for a brief period of time.

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Dennis Burton Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Dennis Burton

I am glad to report that app_offline.htm files now appear to work with Azure sites. I was just able to successfully upload an app_offline.htm file to the /site/wwwroot/ of my site, and disable the application while performing an upgrade for DotNetNuke.

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Chris Hammond Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

Chris Hammond