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Is it possible to use an Array object as a parameter in Spring Repository @Query annotation?

Is it possible to use an Array object as a parameter in Spring Repository @Query annotation?

I'm trying to retrieve all rows in a table whose column node is present in an String array. Is it possible to do it at a time using the @Query annotation in Spring repository?

Here is my Location Entity:

@Table(name = "LOCATIONS")
public class Location extends Measurement{

    private String latitude;
    private String nsIndicator;

    private String longitude;
    private String ewIndicator;

    private Node node;

Where node references the Node class, and it is mapped in the database as a BIGINT.

I have a repository like this:

public interface LocationRepository extends CrudRepository<Location, Long>{

            "SELECT l1.node, l1.id, l1.latitude, l1.longitude " +
            "FROM LOCATIONS l1 WHERE l1.node IN (:ids)", 
    List<Location> findMeasureByIds(@Param("ids") String[] ids);

There you can see the query that I'm trying to execute, but it's not working. I don't know if it's possible to use an array there, or parameters must be just Strings and/or Integers, I couldn't find it anywhere.

I've tried several combinations like using a simple String with the right format or a long array.. but nothing has worked so far.

Thanks in advance.


@Query(value="SELECT * FROM LOCATIONS l1 " + 
             "INNER JOIN (SELECT node, MAX(id) AS id FROM LOCATIONS GROUP BY node) l2 " + 
             "ON l1.node = l2.node AND l1.id = l2.id " + 
             "WHERE l1.node IN :ids", nativeQuery=true) 
List<Location> findLastLocationByIds(@Param("ids") Set<Long> ids);

I've added more functionality to the query because I needed to retrieve the last row inserted for each node identifier. So there's the MAX function and the INNER JOIN to do that work.

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Rafael Redrado Avatar asked Apr 08 '14 11:04

Rafael Redrado

1 Answers

Use a collection instead of an array (Set<String>), and make sure it's not empty (otherwise the query will be invalid.

Also, there's no reason to use a native query for that, and you shouldn't have parentheses around the parameter:

@Query("SELECT l1 FROM Location l1 WHERE l1.node.id IN :ids")
List<Location> findLocationsByNodeIds(@Param("ids") Set<String> ids);
like image 146
JB Nizet Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 21:11

JB Nizet