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Is it possible to type a React function component with TypeScript without using arrow functions?

Currently I have this React component typed as such:

import React, { FunctionComponent } from "react";

const HelloWorld : FunctionComponent = () => {
  return (

export default HelloWorld;

I would not like to use arrow functions and write my component like so:

import React, { FunctionComponent } from "react";

function HelloWorld() {
  return (

export default HelloWorld;

Is it possible to type normal functions as FunctionComponent?

like image 537
Breno Calazans Avatar asked Mar 12 '19 00:03

Breno Calazans

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Functional components with TypeScript You can create functional components in TypeScript just like you would in JavaScript. The main difference is the FC interface, which stands for Function Component. We use this to tell TypeScript that this is a React function component and not just a regular function.

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Functional components with TypeScript. You can create functional components in TypeScript just like you would in JavaScript. The main difference is the FC interface, which stands for Function Component. We use this to tell TypeScript that this is a React function component and not just a regular function.

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The main difference is the FC interface, which stands for Function Component. We use this to tell TypeScript that this is a React function component and not just a regular function. Optionally, we can add types for the props by defining an interface and passing it to the generic FC. A functional component then typically looks like this:

1 Answers

The FunctionComponent type basically boils down to a function that receives props and returns a ReactElement:

(props: PropsWithChildren<P>, context?: any): ReactElement | null;

So one option would be to type your non-arrow function accordingly:

function HelloWorld(): ReactElement {
  return (

The other option (which integrates better with the rest of the TS React ecosystem) is to store your function in a named variable:

interface SomeProps {
  someValue: number

const HelloWorld: FunctionComponent<SomeProps> = function HelloWorld({ someValue }) {
  return <div>Hi {someValue}</div>

Overall though I would recommend that you just use arrow functions as they offer benefits especially when it comes to JS scopes and the this reference.

like image 102
Jesse Carter Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

Jesse Carter