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Is it possible to strike the title shown in the title bar?

Is it possible to strike the title

<title><s>My Title</s></title>

like this, so that the titlebar will show My Title? Or is there a way to solve this with css?

like image 762
Paedow Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 15:10


People also ask

How do you show title in HTML?

The <title> tag in HTML is used to define the title of HTML document. It sets the title in the browser toolbar. It provides the title for the web page when it is added to favorites. It displays the title for the page in search engine results.

How do you change a title in HTML?

Editing the HTML Title Tag html, or default. html. Update the text between the opening and closing title tags, i.e. <title> and </title>. For this to work, you must maintain the structure of the opening <title> and closing </title> and just modify the text between them.

How do you make a title bar in HTML?

HTML <title> Tag.

What is a title tag example?

It's simply the headline on the SERP (search engine results page). For example, if you Google “kitchen appliances,” you'll see that one of the top results is from IKEA. In this case, the page title tag is “Kitchen Appliances – IKEA.” This is what both people and search engines will see as the title of your page.

2 Answers

From MDN on the <title> element:

The HTML Title Element defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab. It can only contain text and any contained tags are not interpreted.

So no, it cannot be done like that.


Other answers suggest using various combinations of unicode characters to accomplish a strike through, and even though that might be possible and could yield a decent result, I believe it comes with a large drawback.

I'm not an expert in SEO in any way, but from what I know, and according to Googles Search Engine Optimization Starters Guide the <title> is of great importance when it comes to search engine optimization. Their guide suggest that you should avoid:

  • Choosing a title that has no relation to the content on the page
  • Using default or vague titles like "Untitled" or "New Page 1"

My interpretation would be that using obscure characters in your title would be a direct violation of that, so based on that I would strongly suggest that you avoid it.

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Christofer Eliasson Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10

Christofer Eliasson

This is possible by using characters that have a strike built into them. But this is the only way. Using HTML markup or CSS will not yield the result you want.

Example using this: http://blog.imthy.com/2008/06/strikethrough-strikethrough-text.html

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Fisch Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
