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Is it possible to stop child click events propagating to parents when handled by .live()?

I have 'Back Board' on my images and content over here: http://syndex.me So basically, you click on an image, it will overlay a info panel above the clicked content.

I want to do two things:

  • Click on the background of the site to fade out the currently opened info panel
  • Be able to click on a tag, link, or social icon within the info panel without triggering it's parent function, which is too fade out again.

I cannot use stopPropagation for the child click being superseded by the parent click as i need the click events to be handled by .live() (see documentation) This is due to the fact that posts are being dynamically loaded.

I cannot just say something like: $("#Background").click(function(){//fade out the Info Board} Because that is being covered by the entire post wrapper, and i can't put an event ont hat because then I'm even deeper in the dilemma of parents taking over children's events :-)

So far I'm at least able to have just one infoboard open (i.e I click on one image, then another, it will close the already opened one, and open the current one. So this part is all good:

    $('.theContent:not(.clicked)').live("click", function () {
            $(".clicked").each(function() {
     $('.clicked').live("click", function () {
            $(".clicked").each(function() {

Re .live(), .delegate() and .stopPropogation():

Since the .live() method handles events once they have propagated to the top of the document, it is not possible to stop propagation of live events. Similarly, events handled by .delegate() will propagate to the elements to which they are delegated; event handlers bound on any elements below it in the DOM tree will already have been executed by the time the delegated event handler is called. These handlers, therefore, may prevent the delegated handler from triggering by calling event.stopPropagation() or returning false.

like image 557
RGBK Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 00:11


People also ask

How do you stop event propagation from child to parent?

stopPropagation() Event Method The stopPropagation() method prevents propagation of the same event from being called. Propagation means bubbling up to parent elements or capturing down to child elements.

How do I stop click event propagation?

To stop an event from further propagation in the capturing and bubbling phases, you call the Event. stopPropation() method in the event handler. Note that the event. stopPropagation() method doesn't stop any default behaviors of the element e.g., link click, checkbox checked.

How do you prevent click event on parent element?

To prevent other events on the same element from firing, use event. stopImmediatePropagation() instead. It will stop both parents and the same element events from firing.

1 Answers

How about simply checking whether the event actually took place on the specific element:

function activate(el) {
function deactivate(el) {
$('.theContent:not(.clicked)').live('click', function(e) {

$('.clicked').live("click", function(e) {
    if (! $(e.target).is('a')) {
        // this should not trigger if a click occured on one of the links

$('#ape').click(function(e) {
    if ($(e.target).is('#ape')) {
like image 166
deviousdodo Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11
