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Is it possible to speed up a recursive file scan in PHP?


I've been trying to replicate Gnu Find ("find .") in PHP, but it seems impossible to get even close to its speed. The PHP implementations use at least twice the time of Find. Are there faster ways of doing this with PHP?

EDIT: I added a code example using the SPL implementation -- its performance is equal to the iterative approach

EDIT2: When calling find from PHP it was actually slower than the native PHP implementation. I guess I should be satisfied with what I've got :)

// measured to 317% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_recursive($dir) { 
  if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
      if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue;

      $path = "$dir/$entry";
      echo "$path\n";
      if (is_dir($path)) list_recursive($path);       

// measured to 315% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_iterative($from) {
  $dirs = array($from);  
  while (NULL !== ($dir = array_pop($dirs))) {  
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {    
      while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {      
        if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue;        

        $path = "$dir/$entry";        
        echo "$path\n";        
        if (is_dir($path)) $dirs[] = $path;        

// measured to 315% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_recursivedirectoryiterator($path) {
  $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
  foreach ($it as $file) {
    if ($file->isDot()) continue;

    echo $file->getPathname();

// measured to 390% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_gnufind($dir) { 
  $dir = escapeshellcmd($dir);
  $h = popen("/usr/bin/find $dir", "r");
  while ('' != ($s = fread($h, 2048))) {
    echo $s;