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Is it possible to sort files on Amazon S3? [closed]

Also, is it possible to set a default sort order for a bucket on Amazon S3?

like image 892
B Seven Avatar asked Apr 20 '12 18:04

B Seven

People also ask

Can S3 recover deleted files?

In Amazon S3 versioned bucket, deleted files and directories are not deleted forever from the storage, but get only "marked as deleted", so they can be restored when needed.

How does S3 organize data?

All objects are stored in S3 buckets and can be organized with shared names called prefixes. You can also append up to 10 key-value pairs called S3 object tags to each object, which can be created, updated, and deleted throughout an object's lifecycle.

Do folders exist in S3?

In Amazon S3, folders are used to group objects and organize files. Unlike a traditional file system, Amazon S3 doesn't use hierarchy to organize its objects and files. Amazon S3 console supports the folder concept only as a means of grouping (and displaying) objects.

1 Answers

For viewing, or for some additional processing?

If you want to sort the files for viewing on a Windows desktop, an inexpensive option is to install WebDrive and map a drive to Amazon S3. You can do a column sort by date, file type, name, etc.

like image 59
WebDrive Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
