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Is it possible to set/change mlflow run name after run initial creation?



I could not find a way yet of setting the runs name after the first start_run for that run (we can pass a name there).

I Know we can use tags but that is not the same thing. I would like to add a run relevant name, but very often we know the name only after run evaluation or while we're running the run interactively in notebook for example.

like image 872
rquintino Avatar asked Jul 25 '19 10:07


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1 Answers

It is possible to edit run names from the MLflow UI. First, click into the run whose name you'd like to edit.

Then, edit the run name by clicking the dropdown next the run name (i.e. the downward-pointing caret in this image):

Rename run dropdown

There's currently no stable public API for setting run names - however, you can programmatically set/edit run names by setting the tag with key mlflow.runName, which is what the UI (currently) does under the hood.

like image 113
smurching Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
