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Is it possible to set a timeout when dequeuing an item from a TensorFlow queue?

I am building a neural network ensemble where each net reads the inputs from an input queue and writes its prediction to an output queue, and a separate client pushes a new input to all input queues then pulls the individual predictions from each output queue and aggregates them to produce the ensemble's prediction.

I would like the system to be resilient to a slow (or crashed) neural network client, so I need to set a timeout when pulling from each output queue. Ideally, the aggregator graph would behave nicely and just ignore that prediction.

The only solution I have found to have a dequeue timeout is to set the operation_timeout_in_ms configuration option when creating the session, but this applies to all operations in the graph (for this session). Not very granular.

Any other option?

like image 972
MiniQuark Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 14:08


1 Answers

You can set a timeout on an individual tf.Session.run() call, which is most useful when you have a potentially blocking operation, such as a dequeue(). To do this, pass an optional tf.RunOptions object to the run() call, and set the timeout_in_ms field to the desired timeout in milliseconds:

op = ...  # Assume this depends on dequeuing a tensor from a queue.
sess = tf.Session()

# Set a 10-second timeout.
run_options = tf.RunOptions(timeout_in_ms=10000)
  sess.run(op, options=run_options)
except tf.errors.DeadlineExceededError:  # This will be raised if the timeout expires.
  # ...
like image 63
mrry Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11
