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Is It possible to set a Keyboard to "Sentence Capitalisation" in XAML for an Entry?

I was looking at Xamarin.Forms: Specifying additional keyboard options

And saw this peice of code to Setting a Keyboard flag to "Sentence Capitalisation"

Content = new StackLayout
    Padding = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0),
    Children =
        new Entry
          Keyboard = Keyboard.Create(KeyboardFlags.CapitalizeSentence)

This looks great and I would like to use it in XAML.

Is this possible to do in XAML?

like image 231
User1 Avatar asked Jan 06 '23 22:01


1 Answers

As mentioned correctly in the first answer, setting the keyboard flags is not possible out of the box. While you can certainly subclass Entry, there is a more elegant way by creating an attached property:

public class KeyboardStyle
        public static BindableProperty KeyboardFlagsProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached(
            propertyName: "KeyboardFlags",
            returnType: typeof(string),
            declaringType: typeof(InputView),
            defaultValue: null,
            defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWay,
            propertyChanged: HandleKeyboardFlagsChanged);

        public static void HandleKeyboardFlagsChanged(BindableObject obj, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var entry = obj as InputView;

            if(entry == null)

            if(newValue == null)

            string[] flagNames = ((string)newValue).Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            KeyboardFlags allFlags = 0;

            foreach (var flagName in flagNames) {
                KeyboardFlags flags = 0;
                Enum.TryParse<KeyboardFlags>(flagName.Trim(), out flags);
                if(flags != 0)
                    allFlags |= flags;      

            Debug.WriteLine("Setting keyboard to: " + allFlags);
            var keyboard = Keyboard.Create(allFlags);

            entry.Keyboard = keyboard;

Then use it from within XAML (don't forget to add the local namespace):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <Entry x:Name="entry" Text="Hello Keyboard" local:KeyboardStyle.KeyboardFlags="Spellcheck,CapitalizeSentence"/>

You can also use this as part of a blanket style like so:

<Style TargetType="Entry">
    <Setter Property="local:KeyboardStyle.KeyboardFlags"
like image 94
Krumelur Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 10:01
