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Is it possible to send XML format with PHP to sql server

Good day, I'm trying to import an XML file from my website (PHP). I have do some research about it and i found this Passing datatable to a stored procedure but that for C#. So, is it possible to send it?

here is my stored Procedure

USE [sales_web]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[InsertSALESPOS]    Script Date: 11/30/2016 09:19:48 ******/


@HeaderTemp HeaderTemp readonly,                  
@DetailTemp DetailTemp readonly,                  
@PaymentTemp PaymentTemp readonly,                  
@VoucherTemp VoucherTemp readonly,                  
@LedgerTemp LedgerTemp readonly                  


set nocount on;

begin try                  
begin transaction                  

 select ID, TransactionNo, TransactionDate, TotalTransaction, LocationID, UserID, CustomerCode, SendStatus      
 into #HeaderTemp from @HeaderTemp             
 where TransactionNo not in(SELECT TransactionNo from TransactionHeader with(nolock))                  

    INSERT INTO dbo.SalesOrderHeader (TransactionNo, DocumentNo, TransDate, ETADate, ExternalDocument, Reference, RefTransNo, Category, CustomerCode, Remark, Remark2, TermOfPayment,                  
    Currency, Rate, UseVAT, SubTotal, DiscPercent, DiscAmount, GrandTotal, TotalReceivable, FromCustomerCode, PostingStatus, PostingBy, PostingDate, CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate,                  
    ModifiedBy, CustomerReceivable, LocationCode, VatPercent, VatAmount, FinalReleasedDate_Outlet)                  
 select h.TransactionNo, h.TransactionNo as DocumentNo, cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as TransDate,                  
    cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as ETADate, '' as ExternalDocument, '' as Reference, '' as RefTransNo,                  
    'POS' as Category, h.CustomerCode, '' as Remark, '' as Remark2, Cast('' as Datetime) as TermOfPayment, 'IDR' as Currency, Cast(1 as Float) as Rate,                  
    Cast(0 as Bit) as UseVAT, Cast(SUM(d.TotalAmountAfterDisc) as Float) as SubTotal, Cast(0 as Float) as DiscPercent, Cast(0 as Float) as DiscAmount,                  
    Cast(SUM(d.TotalAmountAfterDisc) as Float) as GrandTotal, Cast(SUM(d.TotalAmountAfterDisc) as Float) as TotalReceivable,                
    h.CustomerCode as FromCustomerCode, Cast(0 as Bit) as PostingStatus, '' as PostingBy, Cast('' as Datetime) as PostingDate,                   
    cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as CreatedDate, h.UserID as CreatedBy,                  
    cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as ModifiedDate, h.UserID as ModifiedBy, h.CustomerCode as CustomerReceivable,                  
    h.CustomerCode as LocationCode, Cast(0 as Float) as VatPercent, Cast(0 as Float) as VatAmount, cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as FinalReleasedDate_Outlet                  
    from @HeaderTemp h                   
    Inner Join @DetailTemp d on h.id = d.TransactionID and h.CustomerCode = d.CustomerCode                  
 Where h.TransactionNo IN (select TransactionNo from #HeaderTemp with(nolock))                  
    Group By h.TransactionNo, TransactionDate , h.CustomerCode, h.UserID                  

    Insert Into dbo.SalesOrderDetail                  
 SELECT h.TransactionNo + '-' + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By h.TransactionNo) as Varchar) as TransactionNo, h.TransactionNo as SalesOrderTransNo,                  
    h.TransactionNo as RefTransNo, (ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By h.TransactionNo))*1000 as [LineNo], isnull(d.ItemCode,''), d.Quantity, isnull(d.MainUOMCode,'') as UOM,                  
    d.UnitPrice, 0 as DiscountPercent, 0 as VatPercent, (d.Quantity*d.UnitPrice) as AmountPrice,                   
    ((d.Quantity*d.UnitPrice)-d.TotalAmountAfterDisc) as AmountDiscount, 0 as AmountVat,                   
    d.TotalAmountAfterDisc as Total, d.TotalAmountAfterDisc as Receivable,                  
 d.UnitPrice as UnitPriceAfterReceivable, '' as ExtraRemark, '' as ExtraRemark2,                    
    cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as CreatedDate, h.UserID as CreatedBy,                    
    cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime) as ModifiedDate, h.UserID as ModifiedBy                   
    from @HeaderTemp h                    
    Inner Join @DetailTemp  d on h.id = d.TransactionID and h.CustomerCode = d.CustomerCode                  
 Where h.TransactionNo IN (select TransactionNo from #HeaderTemp with(nolock))                      

    Insert Into dbo.SalesOrderPayment                  
 Select h.TransactionNo + '-' + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By h.TransactionNo) as Varchar) as TransactionNo, h.TransactionNo as SalesOrderTransNo,                  
    p.PaymentMethodCode, p.TotalDue, p.TotalTendered                   
    From @HeaderTemp h                   
    Left Join @PaymentTemp p on h.id = p.TransactionID                   
    and h.CustomerCode = p.CustomerCode                  
    Where h.TransactionNo IN (select TransactionNo from #HeaderTemp with(nolock))                  
 --cast(left(h.TransactionDate,len(h.TransactionDate)-6) as datetime)                  

    Insert Into dbo.SalesOrderVoucher                  
 Select h.TransactionNo + '-' + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By h.TransactionNo) as Varchar) as TransactionNo, h.TransactionNo as SalesOrderTransNo,                   
    v.VoucherVendor as Voucher, Case When v.VoucherType = '1' Then 'NOMINAL' Else 'PERCENT' End as VoucherType, v.VoucherValue, v.VoucherAmount                   
    From @HeaderTemp h                   
    Left Join @VoucherTemp v On h.CustomerCode = v.CustomerCode And h.ID = v.TransactionID                   
 Where h.TransactionNo IN (select TransactionNo from #HeaderTemp with(nolock))      

    Insert Into dbo.ItemLedgerEntry(TransactionNo, SequenceNo, DocumentNo, EntryType,                    
 CustomerCode, ItemCode, PostingDate, Quantity, UomCode, CreatedDate, CreatedBy)                   
 Select TransactionNo, SequenceNo, DocumentNo, EntryType,                   
 CustomerCode, ItemCode, cast(left(PostingDate,len(PostingDate)-6) as datetime) as PostingDate, Cast(Quantity as Float) as Quantity, UomCode, cast(left(CreatedDate,len(CreatedDate)-6) as datetime) as CreatedDate, CreatedBy                    
  From @LedgerTemp                   
 Where DocumentNo in (select Transactionno from #HeaderTemp with(nolock))                  

 drop table #HeaderTemp                   
 Select 'Succes' as [Status]  
commit transaction                  
end try                   
begin catch                  
  insert into XMLLOGERROR values(getdate(), 'SALESPOS', ERROR_MESSAGE())  
end catch                  

I have try this way

                    $HeaderTemp     = array();
                    $DetailTemp     = array();
                    $PaymentTemp    = array();
                    $LedgerTemp     = array();
                    $VoucherTemp    = array(); 
                    $tambahan = array('session_id' => date('d:h:i:s'));
                    $login = str_replace(' ', '', $this->input->cookie('cookie_webstore_user'));
                    $session = $login.$tambahan['session_id'];

                    foreach ($xml->HeaderTemp as $HeaderTempnya)
                                    $HeaderTemp[] = $HeaderTempnya;
                            foreach ($xml->DetailTemp as $DetailTempnya)
                                    $DetailTemp[] = $DetailTempnya;
                            foreach($xml->PaymentTemp as $PaymentTempnya)
                                    $PaymentTemp[] = $PaymentTempnya;
                            foreach($xml->LedgerTemp as $LedgerTempnya)
                                    $LedgerTemp[] = $LedgerTempnya;
                            foreach($xml->VoucherTemp as $VoucherTempnya)
                                    $VoucherTemp[] = $VoucherTempnya;

                    if($VoucherTempnya != ""){
                    $this->modelmodel->showsingle("[InsertSALESPOS] '{$HeaderTemp}','{$DetailTemp}','{$PaymentTemp}','{$VoucherTemp}','{$LedgerTemp}'");
                    $this->modelmodel->showsingle("[InsertSALESPOS] '{$HeaderTemp}','{$DetailTemp}','{$PaymentTemp}','','{$LedgerTemp}'");

With my script above i get this error

Error Number: 22018/206

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Operand type clash: varchar is incompatible with HeaderTemp

[InsertSALESPOS] 'Array','Array','Array','','Array'

Filename: D:/xampp/htdocs/new_store/system/database/DB_driver.php

Line Number: 691

Sorry for my bad english.

Ok. I have solved my problem above with different way. I'm just curious about it if impossible, please explain why.

like image 846
YVS1102 Avatar asked Nov 30 '16 03:11


People also ask

Does SQL Server support XML?

SQL Server provides a powerful platform for developing rich applications for semi-structured data management. Support for XML is integrated into all the components in SQL Server in the following ways: The xml data type.

Can SQL read XML?

SQL Server provides an XML option to use with the FOR clause, allowing for an easy method of converting table data into XML nodes. FOR XML can take different arguments – let's find out which one works for us. The ELEMENTS argument causes every value to be created as a node element.

How can we transfer XML data to mysql table in PHP?

If selected file is XML then after we have use simplexml_load_file() PHP function, this function will convert selected XML file into Simple XML Element object. So from this object we can fetch data in our PHP by using loop and after this we will insert into Mysql table.

1 Answers

It is possible with openrowset command to load the xml into a table in sql server, for more information go through the link https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2899/importing-and-processing-data-from-xml-files-into-sql-server-tables/

like image 168
Kiran Kumar Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11

Kiran Kumar