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Is it possible to send bold text in JSON push notification body using Firebase Cloud Messaging?

I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notification to IOS and Android devices. I would like to send some text in message body, which has a part of it bold. That's how my JSON looks like now for android push notifications:

      "body":"Some plain text THIS TEXT SHOULD BE BOLD some plain text"

Now I would like to see the message in my push notification like this: "Some plain text THIS TEXT SHOULD BE BOLD some plain text"

Is it possible to do so?

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Mykhailo Seniutovych Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 20:03

Mykhailo Seniutovych

1 Answers

It's not possible to change the font characteristics for notification type messages with FCM. If you need to do some special work to create a notification, you should instead send a message with a data payload, and deal with its contents yourself.

like image 161
Doug Stevenson Avatar answered Apr 09 '23 15:04

Doug Stevenson