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Is it possible to send a message to all active WebSocket connections? Using either node.js or python tornado websockets

I'm experimenting with building a websocket's based application.

I am wondering whether it's possible to send a message to all active connections as they are persistant.

Say I'm running a live auction site and I have multiple users watching the auction page, each of them is connected via sockets to my server. Now let's say one user raises the bid. I want to send a message to all connected clients. Easiest way is to have the clients poll the server via socket every second, but I think the idea of websockets is to have true bi-directional communication.

How can this be done?

thanks in advance,


like image 269
Rotem Tamir Avatar asked Jul 08 '11 10:07

Rotem Tamir

People also ask

How many WebSocket connections can node js handle?

The theoretical limit is 65k connections per IP address but the actual limit is often more like 20k, so we use multiple addresses to connect 20k to each (50 * 20k = 1 mil). I then run the web server as root by typing sudo -i followed by ulimit -n 1024000 and then node examples/WebSocket. js (in the uWebSockets.

Does Nodejs support WebSockets?

Node. js can maintain many hundreds of WebSockets connections simultaneously. WebSockets on the server can become complicated as the connection upgrade from HTTP to WebSockets requires handling. This is why developers commonly use a library to manage this for them.

How many WebSockets can a client handle?

Chrome has a limit of 6 connections per host name, and a max of 10 connections. This essentially means that it can handle 6 requests at a time coming from the same host, and will handle 4 more coming from another host at the same time.

1 Answers

socket.io solution:

// note, io.listen() will create a http server for you
var io = require('socket.io').listen(80);

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  io.sockets.emit('this', { will: 'be received by everyone' });

  socket.on('private message', function (msg) {
    console.log('I received a private message from ', socket.id, ' saying ', msg);
    // Echo private message only to the client who sent it
    socket.emit('private message', msg);

  socket.on('disconnect', function () {
    // This will be received by all connected clients
    io.sockets.emit('user disconnected');

all_active_connections = {};

webocket server (there are many), do same manually:

  var ws = require("ws");

  global_counter = 0;
  all_active_connections = {};

  ws.createServer(function (websocket) 
      websocket.on('connect', function() 
          var id = global_counter++;
          all_active_connections[id] = websocket;
          websocket.id = id; 
      }).on('data', function (data) {
          if (data == 'broadcast me!')
              for (conn in all_active_connections)
    }).on('close', function() {
        delete all_active_connections[websocket.id];
like image 134
Andrey Sidorov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Andrey Sidorov