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Is it possible to sanitize Javascript code?




I want to allow user contributed Javascript in areas of my website.

  1. Is this completely insane?
  2. Are there any Javascript sanitizer scripts or good regex patterns out there to scan for alerts, iframes, remote script includes and other malicious Javascript?
  3. Should this process be manually authorized (by a human checking the Javascript)?
  4. Would it be more sensible to allow users to only use a framework (like jQuery) rather than giving them access to actual Javascript? This way it might be easier to monitor.


like image 983
Tom Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 23:08


People also ask

What is sanitize JavaScript?

The sanitize() method of the Sanitizer interface is used to sanitize a tree of DOM nodes, removing any unwanted elements or attributes. It should be used when the data to be sanitized is already available as DOM nodes. For example when sanitizing a Document instance in a frame.

How do I disinfect HTML content?

Sanitize a string immediatelysetHTML() is used to sanitize a string of HTML and insert it into the Element with an id of target . The script element is disallowed by the default sanitizer so the alert is removed.

What does it mean to sanitize code?

HTML sanitization is the process of examining an HTML document and producing a new HTML document that preserves only whatever tags are designated “safe” and desired. HTML sanitization can be used to protect against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by sanitizing any HTML code submitted by a user.

1 Answers

I think the correct answer is 1.

As soon as you allow Javascript, you open yourself and your users to all kinds of issues. There is no perfect way to clean Javascript, and people like the Troll Army will take it as their personal mission to mess you up.

like image 82
Robusto Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
