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Is it possible to sandbox JavaScript running in the browser?

People also ask

Can you run JavaScript in browser?

To execute JavaScript in a browser you have two options — either put it inside a script element anywhere inside an HTML document, or put it inside an external JavaScript file (with a . js extension) and then reference that file inside the HTML document using an empty script element with a src attribute.

What is a sandbox in browser?

A web browser sandbox allows running web applications in isolated environments to block any browser-based malware from spreading to the network. Security Sandbox. A security sandbox lets you observe and analyze threats in an isolated and safe environment.

What is JavaScript sandboxing?

Sandboxed JavaScript is a simplified subset of the JavaScript language that provides a safe way to execute arbitrary JavaScript logic from Google Tag Manager's custom templates. To provide a safe execution environment, some features of JavaScript are restricted or removed.

Can JavaScript run outside browser?

You can run JavaScript console in terminal or any command-line interface using Node. js, an open-source, platform-agnostic runtime that executes JavaScript outside a web browser.

Google Caja is a source-to-source translator that "allows you to put untrusted third-party HTML and JavaScript inline in your page and still be secure."

Have a look at Douglas Crockford's ADsafe:

ADsafe makes it safe to put guest code (such as third party scripted advertising or widgets) on any web page. ADsafe defines a subset of JavaScript that is powerful enough to allow guest code to perform valuable interactions, while at the same time preventing malicious or accidental damage or intrusion. The ADsafe subset can be verified mechanically by tools like JSLint so that no human inspection is necessary to review guest code for safety. The ADsafe subset also enforces good coding practices, increasing the likelihood that guest code will run correctly.

You can see an example of how to use ADsafe by looking at the template.html and template.js files in the project's GitHub repository.

I created a sandboxing library called jsandbox that uses web workers to sandbox evaluated code. It also has an input method for explicitly giving sandboxed code data it wouldn't otherwise be able to get.

The following is an example of the API:

      code    : "x=1;Math.round(Math.pow(input, ++x))",
      input   : 36.565010597564445,
      callback: function(n) {
          console.log("number: ", n); // number: 1337
      code   : "][];.]\\ (*# ($(! ~",
      onerror: function(ex) {
          console.log("syntax error: ", ex); // syntax error: [error object]
      code    : '"foo"+input',
      input   : "bar",
      callback: function(str) {
          console.log("string: ", str); // string: foobar
      code    : "({q:1, w:2})",
      callback: function(obj) {
          console.log("object: ", obj); // object: object q=1 w=2
      code    : "[1, 2, 3].concat(input)",
      input   : [4, 5, 6],
      callback: function(arr) {
          console.log("array: ", arr); // array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
      code    : "function x(z){this.y=z;};new x(input)",
      input   : 4,
      callback: function(x) {
          console.log("new x: ", x); // new x: object y=4

As mentioned in other responces, it's enough to jail the code in a sandboxed iframe (without sending it to the server-side) and communicate with messages.

I would suggest to take a look at a small library I created mostly because of the need to providing some API to the untrusted code, just like as described in the question: there's an opportunity to export the particular set of functions right into the sandbox where the untrusted code runs. And there's also a demo which executes the code submitted by a user in a sandbox:


An improved version of RyanOHara's web workers sandbox code, in a single file (no extra eval.js file is necessary).

function safeEval(untrustedCode)
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject)
            var blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([
                function ()
                    var _postMessage = postMessage;
                    var _addEventListener = addEventListener;

                    (function (obj)
                        "use strict";

                        var current = obj;
                        var keepProperties =
                            // Required
                            'Object', 'Function', 'Infinity', 'NaN', 'undefined', 'caches', 'TEMPORARY', 'PERSISTENT',
                            // Optional, but trivial to get back
                            'Array', 'Boolean', 'Number', 'String', 'Symbol',
                            // Optional
                            'Map', 'Math', 'Set',

                            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(current).forEach(function (name)
                                if (keepProperties.indexOf(name) === -1)
                                    delete current[name];

                            current = Object.getPrototypeOf(current);
                        while (current !== Object.prototype)


                    _addEventListener("message", function (e)
                        var f = new Function("", "return (" + e.data + "\n);");
                {type: "application/javascript"}));

                var worker = new Worker(blobURL);


                worker.onmessage = function (evt)

                worker.onerror = function (evt)
                    reject(new Error(evt.message));


                setTimeout(function ()
                    reject(new Error('The worker timed out.'));
                }, 1000);

Test it:


var promise = safeEval("1+2+3");

promise.then(function (result) {

It should output 6 (tested in Chrome and Firefox).