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Is it possible to sample from a conditional density in R given some conditional data?

In R, using the np package, I have created the bandwidths for a conditional density. What I would like to do is, given some new conditional vector, sample from the resulting distribution.

Current code:

# Generate some test data.
somedata = data.frame(replicate(10,runif(100, 0, 1)))
# Conditional variables.
X <- data.frame(somedata[, c('X1', 'X2', 'X3')])
# Dependent variables.
Y <- data.frame(somedata[, c('X4', 'X5', 'X6')])
# Warning, this can be slow (but shouldn't be too bad).
bwsome = npcdensbw(xdat=X, ydat=Y)
# TODO: Given some vector t of conditional data, how can I sample from the resulting distribution?

I am quite new to R, so while I did read the package documentation, I haven't been able to figure out if what I vision makes sense or is possible. If necessary, I would happily use a different package.

like image 524
gdoug Avatar asked Sep 28 '15 22:09


People also ask

Why are we interested in the conditional probability density function and why it is useful?

We are interested in the conditional density, because often some of the random variables are measured while others are not. For a particular trial, if x is not measurable, but y is, we are intersted in knowing P j ;xjy for estimation of x. represents the probability density of x = and y = simultaneously.

How do you find conditional density?

The conditional density function is f((x,y)|E)={f(x,y)/P(E)=2/π,if(x,y)∈E,0,if(x,y)∉E.

How do you write a conditional density function?

The conditional density for X given R = r equals h(x | R = r) = ψ(x, r) g(r) = 1 π √ r2 − x2 for |x| < r and r > 0.

1 Answers

Here is the Example 2.49 from: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/np/vignettes/np_faq.pdf , it gives the following solution for for 2 variables:

n <- nrow(faithful)
x1 <- faithful$eruptions
x2 <- faithful$waiting
## First compute the bandwidth vector
bw <- npudensbw(~x1 + x2, ckertype = "gaussian")
plot(bw, view = "fixed", ylim = c(0, 3))
## Next generate draws from the kernel density (Gaussian)
n.boot <- 1000
i.boot <- sample(1:n, n.boot, replace = TRUE)
x1.boot <- rnorm(n.boot,x1[i.boot],bw$bw[1])
x2.boot <- rnorm(n.boot,x2[i.boot],bw$bw[2])
## Plot the density for the bootstrap sample using the original
## bandwidths
plot(npudens(~x1.boot+x2.boot,bws=bw$bw), view = "fixed")

Following this hint from @coffeejunky, the following is a possible solution to your problem with 6 variables:

## Generate some test data.
somedata = data.frame(replicate(10, runif(100, 0, 1)))
## Conditional variables.
X <- data.frame(somedata[, c('X1', 'X2', 'X3')])
## Dependent variables.
Y <- data.frame(somedata[, c('X4', 'X5', 'X6')])
## First compute the bandwidth vector
n <- nrow(somedata)
bw <- npudensbw(~X$X1 + X$X2 + X$X3 + Y$X4 + Y$X5 + Y$X6, ckertype = "gaussian")
plot(bw, view = "fixed", ylim = c(0, 3))
## Next generate draws from the kernel density (Gaussian)
n.boot <- 1000
i.boot <- sample(1:n, n.boot, replace=TRUE)
x1.boot <- rnorm(n.boot, X$X1[i.boot], bw$bw[1])
x2.boot <- rnorm(n.boot, X$X2[i.boot], bw$bw[2])
x3.boot <- rnorm(n.boot, X$X3[i.boot], bw$bw[3])
x4.boot <- rnorm(n.boot, Y$X4[i.boot], bw$bw[4])
x5.boot <- rnorm(n.boot, Y$X5[i.boot], bw$bw[5])
x6.boot <- rnorm(n.boot, Y$X6[i.boot], bw$bw[6])
## Plot the density for the bootstrap sample using the original
## bandwidths
ob1 <- npudens(~x1.boot + x2.boot + x3.boot + x4.boot + x5.boot + x6.boot, bws = bw$bw)
plot(ob1, view = "fixed", ylim = c(0, 3))
like image 104
trosendal Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10
