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Is it possible to run (and check) Nginx rewrite rules without running the whole web server?

I want to get as close as I can to "unit testing" Nginx rewrite rules. How close can one get to doing this? Is there a way to run the request rewriting module without running the entire web server? Can I embed the Nginx server in a process running Ruby or Python or, if I have to, Java? What tricks can you think of?

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J. B. Rainsberger Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 09:03

J. B. Rainsberger

1 Answers

  1. Put your rewrite rules in an include file.

  2. Create Nginx configuration just for testing that pulls in the rewrite include file.

  3. Using the -c and possibly the -g flags, Run nginx as a user. Since you can run it on an alternate port, this won't conflict with a web server running on port 80.

  4. Have your automated testing run tests against this "test server".

  5. Shut down the nginx test server.

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Mark Stosberg Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 16:04

Mark Stosberg