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Is it possible to rollback DELETE, DROP and TRUNCATE?




We can rollback a delete query but not so for truncate and drop. When I execute queries then successfully done with rollback in delete, drop & truncate.

We can rollback the data in conditions of Delete, Truncate & Drop. But must be used Begin Transaction before executing query Delete, Drop & Truncate.

Here is example:

Create Database Ankit

Create Table Tbl_Ankit(Name varchar(11))

insert into tbl_ankit(name) values('ankit');
insert into tbl_ankit(name) values('ankur');
insert into tbl_ankit(name) values('arti');

Select * From Tbl_Ankit

/*======================For Delete==================*/
Begin Transaction
Delete From Tbl_Ankit where Name='ankit'

Select * From Tbl_Ankit

/*======================For Truncate==================*/
Begin Transaction
Truncate Table Tbl_Ankit 

Select * From Tbl_Ankit

/*======================For Drop==================*/
Begin Transaction
Drop Table Tbl_Ankit 

Select * From Tbl_Ankit
like image 762
Ankit Purwar Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 01:12

Ankit Purwar

1 Answers

For MySql:

13.3.2 Statements That Cannot Be Rolled Back

Some statements cannot be rolled back. In general, these include data definition language (DDL) statements, such as those that create or drop databases, those that create, drop, or alter tables or stored routines.

You should design your transactions not to include such statements. If you issue a statement early in a transaction that cannot be rolled back, and then another statement later fails, the full effect of the transaction cannot be rolled back in such cases by issuing a ROLLBACK statement.


like image 132
Vikki Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 06:12
