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Is it possible to return an HttpResponse in django with text & a json object?

In my view function, I'd like to return a json object (data1) and some text/html (form). Is this possible?

Here is part of my views.py:

if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST':
    if form.is_valid():
        answer = form.cleaned_data['answer'] # Answer extracted from form is also a string
        a1 = ques1.correct_answer
                    if a1 == answer:
            test1 = question_list.get(id=nextid)
            form = AnswerForm(test1)
            ques1 = question_list.filter(id=nextid)                     # Filter next question as <qs>
            data1 = serializers.serialize("json",ques1)                 # Json-ize
    # ********EDITED HERE **********        
            variables1 = Context({
                'form' : form,
                'q1'   : data1,
            #response = HttpResponse()
            #response['data1'] = response.write(data1)
            #response['form'] = response.write(form) 
            if nextid <= qsnlen:
                return HttpResponse(variables1, mimetype="application/json")
                #return HttpResponse(response)

I'd like to send back both the form html and the ques1 json object. How can I do this? Thanks in advance.

like image 427
Harshil Parikh Avatar asked Jan 29 '12 07:01

Harshil Parikh

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class QueryDict. In an HttpRequest object, the GET and POST attributes are instances of django.http.QueryDict , a dictionary-like class customized to deal with multiple values for the same key. This is necessary because some HTML form elements, notably <select multiple> , pass multiple values for the same key.

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1 Answers

Use JsonResponse

from django.http import JsonResponse
response_data = {put your data into a dict}
return JsonResponse(response_data, status=201)
like image 193
i_emmanuel Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10
