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Is it possible to resume Java execution after exception?




I have a ParentClass in a JAR, but not source code. I am implementing a SubClass, but i need to handle some corner cases.

class ParentClass {
    void foo() {
       … // lots of code 1
       ; // can possibly throw NullPointerException 
       … // lots of code 2
class SubClass extends ParentClass {
    void foo() {
       try {super.foo();}
       catch(NullPointerException npe) {… /*handle exception*/}
       finally {… /* resume lots of code 2 ? */}

Is there a way to run the //lots of code 2 part after handling the exception in the overriding method? I don't want to duplicate code, and cannot modify the ParentClass.

P.S: The NullPointerException problem wasn't there in the ParentClass. But due to a different instantiation in SubClass, this problem may arise.

like image 742
garyF Avatar asked Sep 07 '17 08:09


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2 Answers


You cannot just jump back into the middle of a method.

If you don't want to copy-paste the code in there (good call!) you have to put the shared code into a separate method that your subclass can call.

Or you could put the part that might throw the NullPointerException into a separate method and override it in the subclass (so that it no longer throws).

But due to a different instantiation in SubClass, this problem may arise.

Maybe you can sidestep the exception altogether by changing the way you do this instantiation? Maybe provide a "dummy object" for the thing that is currently null? Something that doesn't do anything harmful, but prevents the exception?

like image 93
Thilo Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10


As others pointed out, you cannot move back there. However, you might be able to refactor Parent.foo() to something like this:

class ParentClass {
    protected void foo() { //  made it protected so it's overridable
       stuffBeforeNPE(); // Extract Method Refactoring
       codeWithPossiblyNPE(); // Extract Method Refactoring
       stuffAfterNPE(); // Extract Method Refactoring

    protected void stuffBeforeNPE() { ... } // you might want to add params and return values
    protected void codeWithPossiblyNPE() { ... }
    stuffAfterNPE() { ... }

Now, your child class might look like this:

class SubClass extends ParentClass {
    protected void foo() {
       try {
       } catch(NullPointerException npe) {
          … /*handle exception*/
like image 39
Tamas Rev Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Tamas Rev