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Is it possible to remove elements from PriorityQueue?

Is it possible to remove elements from PriorityQueue?


I have a PQ w various double values (some duplicates) - I use it as a heap to keep track of rolling medians in a streaming environment. I want to remove values from PQ but can't figure out how.
I tried to use the iterator to find an element of the PQ and drop there, but it didn't work. I wonder if it's even possible?

val maxHeapLeft= new mutable.PriorityQueue[Double]()(Ordering[Double])
val it= maxHeapLeft.iterator
var p1=it.next

println("size before " +maxHeapLeft.size)
println("size AFTER " +maxHeapLeft.size)

Size of PQ doesn't change.

EDIT 1: So far I use maxHeapLeft= new mutable.PriorityQueue[Double]()(Ordering[Double]) ++ (maxHeapLeft.toList diff List(15)) to remove 15 from the PQ. Of course, terrible.

EDIT 2: A test case (for @Nate) that fails for the custom priority queue:

 "PQ" should "produce correct values " in {
    val testOperations = List[String]("8114.0", "9233.0", "dequeue", "10176.0", "10136.0", "dequeue", "10041.0", "9900.0", "10787.0", "10476.0", "10439.0", "dequeue", "10722.0", "9900.0", "11028.0", "10764.0", "dequeue", "10698.0", "10374.0", "dequeue", "-10176.0", "10198.0", "-10136.0", "11478.0", "10930.0", "dequeue", "10881.0", "dequeue", "10555.0", "dequeue", "-10787.0", "10439.0", "-10476.0", "11596.0", "-10439.0", "10757.0", "-10722.0", "10493.0", "10551.0", "dequeue", "-11028.0", "10493.0", "-10764.0", "11892.0", "-10698.0", "11276.0", "10917.0", "dequeue", "15855.0", "dequeue", "12008.0", "dequeue")
    val customPQ= new PriorityQueue[Double]()(Ordering[Double].reverse) //cread min heap

    for (el <-testOperations){
      el match {
        case dequeue if el=="dequeue" => customPQ.dequeue()
        case remove if remove.toDouble < 0 => customPQ -= (-1*remove.toDouble )
        case add => customPQ.enqueue(add.toDouble )

    println(customPQ.head + "==" + customPQ.min)

Test output:
PriorityQueue(10881.0, 10917.0, 11596.0, 10930.0, 11276.0, 11892.0, 12008.0, 11478.0, 10757.0, 15855.0)

like image 326
Adrian Avatar asked Nov 05 '14 20:11


People also ask

Can I remove an element from priority queue C++?

CPP. pop() function is used to remove the top element of the priority queue.

Is a PriorityQueue always sorted?

A PriorityQueue is what is called a binary heap. It is only ordered/sorted in the sense that the first element is the least. In other word, it only cares about what is in the front of the queue, the rest are "ordered" when needed.

How do I remove a specific item from a queue?

To remove an element from a Queue, use the remove() method.

How do I remove a PriorityQueue in Java?

remove() method is used to remove the single instance of a particular element from the PriorityQueue . The PriorityQueue. remove() method is present in the PriorityQueue class inside the java. util package.

2 Answers

According to the documentation you can only remove elements by clear and dequeue.

Perhaps you'd be happy with a the increased costs of a TreeMultiset to obtain the functionality you seek.

If you wanted to remove a specific value that is in the heap, then you could roll your own starting with the source.


Here is an updated version of PriorityQueue that offers O(n) removal. Here is the relevant added code snippet:

def -=(elem: A): this.type = {
  var k: Int = find(elem)
  resarr.p_size0 = resarr.p_size0 - 1
  resarr.p_swap(k, resarr.p_size0)
  fixUp(resarr.p_array, k)
  fixDown(resarr.p_array, k, resarr.p_size0 - 1)

protected def find(elem: A): Int = {
  var k: Int = 1
  while (k < resarr.length) {
    if (resarr.p_array(k) == elem) {
      return k
    k += 1
  throw new NoSuchElementException("element does not exist in heap")

I leave adding a MultiMap as an exercise to the reader/OP if he/she desires an O(lg n) removal. (Hint: you will need to update all methods that modify the resarr array.)

Edit 2:

Running it locally:

$ scalac -version 
Scala compiler version
2.11.2 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL 

$ md5 PriorityQueue.scala  
MD5 (PriorityQueue.scala) = 3913496441f83bcdeda2249ec2a6b574 

$ scalac PriorityQueue.scala  

$ scala Test 
size before 4 
size after 3
like image 173
Nate Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11


Revise corectness of using PriorityQueue for your task. If you need similar API with unique values use SortedSet.

like image 40
Sergii Lagutin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11

Sergii Lagutin