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Is it possible to remove a class from an imported gradle library?

I'm searching and trying already one day long to remove a class from an imported library over gradle without really getting it to work, should this be possible with Android+gradle? How to do this?

For example if I include a library like so:

implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.64'

How to remove a class by name from it? The latest thing I tried was setting in build.gradle:

android {
  sourceSets.main.java.filter.exclude '**/QTeslaKeyEncodingTests.*'

Following also doesn't work:

jar {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            java {
                exclude '**/QTeslaKeyEncodingTests.java'
                exclude '**/QTeslaKeyEncodingTests.class'

This also doesn't:

  packagingOptions {        
    exclude 'org.bouncycastle/pqc/crypto/qtesla/QTeslaKeyEncodingTests.class'

Context: why do I need this currently: when you execute "gradlew testDebug" all tests in the project run, including those present in the imported libs. I also don't know if this is a bug from bouncyCastle that they included those tests in the library but it's a problem because many tests fail.

like image 285
David Avatar asked Feb 20 '20 11:02


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If you just want to exclude one class for a dependency jar, take a look at the jar jar links tool and its Gradle plugin. It allows you to alter included jars, e.g. to change packages or remove classes.

How do I remove a library from gradle?

gradle file and then delete it from the project structure. Show activity on this post. Go to File > Project Structure > Select the module in modules and press minus(-) on the top left. This will remove the library but you will have to manually remove the files form your project .

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1 Answers

Exclude a specific package from the instrumentation tests (connectedAndroidTest gradle task) with the notPackage option. For example:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        testInstrumentationRunnerArguments = ["notPackage": "com.example.somelibrary"]

There are plenty of potential options for filtering. The official documentation that documents all of them is at -


like image 50
Damien LeBerrigaud Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10

Damien LeBerrigaud