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Is it possible to read unknown number of lines from console in C#?




There is a function, which can read a single line from the console input (Console.ReadLine()), but I wish to read or some arbitrary number of lines, which is unknown at compile time.

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nenito Avatar asked Jan 03 '12 01:01


2 Answers

Of course it is. Just use just read a single line (using ReadLine() or whatever else you please) at a time within either a for loop (if you know at the beginning of reading how many lines you need) or within a while loop (if you want to stop reading when you reach EOF or a certain input).



while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null) {
    // Do whatever you want here with line
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Dan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10


Some of the other answers here loop until a null line is encountered while others expect the user to type something special like "EXIT". Keep in mind that reading from the console could be either a person typing or a redirected input file:

myprog.exe < somefile.txt

In the case of redirected input Console.ReadLine() would return null when it hits the end of the file. In the case of a user running the program interactively they'd have to know to how to enter the end of file character (Ctrl+Z followed by enter or F6 followed by enter). If it is an interactive user you might need to let them know how to signal the end of input.

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Mike W Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Mike W