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Is it possible to put JavaScript code into a JS file through Python?

with open("C:scripts/CUAppVersion.js", 'a') as file:
file.write("if [CUID] = -1 then"
    "function GetCUID() { return 0; }"
    "function GetCUID() { return [CUID] });")

That is my code and it succesfully puts the JS into the JS file but it puts it on one line rather than as I typed it above. I am aware that my JS code isn't fully correct I do need to fix it.

How do I put that code into the JS file with the correct layout?

like image 346
Jill Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 20:03


1 Answers

Use multiline strings.

with open("C:/scripts/CUAppVersion.js", 'a') as file:
if [CUID] = -1 then
    function GetCUID() { return 0; }
    function GetCUID() { return [CUID] });
like image 167
Rokas Kupstys Avatar answered Apr 03 '23 12:04

Rokas Kupstys