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Is it possible to plot the smooth components of a gam fit with ggplot2?


I am fitting a model using gam from the mgcv package and store the result in model and so far I have been looking at the smooth components using plot(model). I have recently started using ggplot2 and like its output. So I am wondering, is it possible to plot these graphs using ggplot2?

Here is an example:

x1 = rnorm(1000) x2 = rnorm(1000) n = rpois(1000, exp(x1) + x2^2)  model = gam(n ~ s(x1, k=10) + s(x2, k=20), family="poisson") plot(model, rug=FALSE, select=1) plot(model, rug=FALSE, select=2) 

And I am interest in s(x1, k=10) and s(x2, k=20) not in the fit.

Partial answer:

I dug deeper into plot.gam and mgcv:::plot.mgcv.smooth and built my own function which extracts the predicted effects and standard errors from the smooth components. It doesn't handle all options and cases of plot.gam so I only consider it a partial solution, but it works well for me.

EvaluateSmooths = function(model, select=NULL, x=NULL, n=100) {   if (is.null(select)) {     select = 1:length(model$smooth)   }   do.call(rbind, lapply(select, function(i) {     smooth = model$smooth[[i]]     data = model$model      if (is.null(x)) {       min = min(data[smooth$term])       max = max(data[smooth$term])       x = seq(min, max, length=n)     }     if (smooth$by == "NA") {       by.level = "NA"     } else {       by.level = smooth$by.level     }     range = data.frame(x=x, by=by.level)     names(range) = c(smooth$term, smooth$by)      mat = PredictMat(smooth, range)     par = smooth$first.para:smooth$last.para      y = mat %*% model$coefficients[par]      se = sqrt(rowSums(       (mat %*% model$Vp[par, par, drop = FALSE]) * mat     ))      return(data.frame(       label=smooth$label       , x.var=smooth$term       , x.val=x       , by.var=smooth$by       , by.val=by.level       , value = y       , se = se     ))   })) } 

This returns a "molten" data frame with the smooth components, so it is now possible to use ggplot with the example above :

smooths = EvaluateSmooths(model)  ggplot(smooths, aes(x.val, value)) +    geom_line() +    geom_line(aes(y=value + 2*se), linetype="dashed") +    geom_line(aes(y=value - 2*se), linetype="dashed") +    facet_grid(. ~ x.var) 

If anyone knows a package which allows this in the general case I would be very grateful.

like image 320
unique2 Avatar asked Nov 01 '13 20:11


People also ask

What is plot GAM in R?

gam. It is the workhorse of the mgcViz package, and allows plotting (almost) any type of smooth, parametric or random effects. It is basically a wrapper around plotting methods that are specific to individual smooth effect classes (such as plot. mgcv.

Does Ggplot only work with data frames?

ggplot only works with data frames, so we need to convert this matrix into data frame form, with one measurement in each row. We can convert to this “long” form with the melt function in the library reshape2 . Notice how ggplot is able to use either numerical or categorical (factor) data as x and y coordinates.

What is Ggplot data?

ggplot(data = surveys_complete) define an aesthetic mapping (using the aesthetic ( aes ) function), by selecting the variables to be plotted and specifying how to present them in the graph, e.g., as x/y positions or characteristics such as size, shape, color, etc.

2 Answers

You can use the visreg package combined with the plyr package. visreg basically plots any model that you can use predict() on.

library(mgcv) library(visreg) library(plyr) library(ggplot2)  # Estimating gam model: x1 = rnorm(1000) x2 = rnorm(1000) n = rpois(1000, exp(x1) + x2^2) model = gam(n ~ s(x1, k=10) + s(x2, k=20), family="poisson")  # use plot = FALSE to get plot data from visreg without plotting plotdata <- visreg(model, type = "contrast", plot = FALSE)  # The output from visreg is a list of the same length as the number of 'x' variables, #   so we use ldply to pick the objects we want from the each list part and make a dataframe:  smooths <- ldply(plotdata, function(part)      data.frame(Variable = part$meta$x,               x=part$fit[[part$meta$x]],               smooth=part$fit$visregFit,               lower=part$fit$visregLwr,               upper=part$fit$visregUpr))  # The ggplot: ggplot(smooths, aes(x, smooth)) + geom_line() +   geom_line(aes(y=lower), linetype="dashed") +    geom_line(aes(y=upper), linetype="dashed") +    facet_grid(. ~ Variable, scales = "free_x") 

We can put the whole thing into a function, and add an option to show the residuals from the model (res = TRUE):

ggplot.model <- function(model, type="conditional", res=FALSE,                         col.line="#7fc97f", col.point="#beaed4", size.line=1, size.point=1) {   require(visreg)   require(plyr)   plotdata <- visreg(model, type = type, plot = FALSE)   smooths <- ldply(plotdata, function(part)        data.frame(Variable = part$meta$x,               x=part$fit[[part$meta$x]],               smooth=part$fit$visregFit,               lower=part$fit$visregLwr,               upper=part$fit$visregUpr))   residuals <- ldply(plotdata, function(part)     data.frame(Variable = part$meta$x,                 x=part$res[[part$meta$x]],                 y=part$res$visregRes))   if (res)     ggplot(smooths, aes(x, smooth)) + geom_line(col=col.line, size=size.line) +       geom_line(aes(y=lower), linetype="dashed", col=col.line, size=size.line) +       geom_line(aes(y=upper), linetype="dashed", col=col.line, size=size.line) +       geom_point(data = residuals, aes(x, y), col=col.point, size=size.point) +       facet_grid(. ~ Variable, scales = "free_x")   else     ggplot(smooths, aes(x, smooth)) + geom_line(col=col.line, size=size.line) +       geom_line(aes(y=lower), linetype="dashed", col=col.line, size=size.line) +       geom_line(aes(y=upper), linetype="dashed", col=col.line, size=size.line) +       facet_grid(. ~ Variable, scales = "free_x")   }  ggplot.model(model) ggplot.model(model, res=TRUE) 

ggplot without residualsggplot with residuals Colors are picked from http://colorbrewer2.org/.

like image 73
Dag Hjermann Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11

Dag Hjermann

FYI, visreg can directly output a gg object:

visreg(model, "x1", gg=TRUE) 

enter image description here

like image 21
Patrick Breheny Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11

Patrick Breheny