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Is it possible to override document.cookie in WebKit?

In Firefox it's possible using the following...

HTMLDocument.prototype.__defineGetter__("cookie",function (){return "foo=bar";});
HTMLDocument.prototype.__defineSetter__("cookie",function (){});

This doesn't cause any errors in WebKit, and WebKit definitely supports __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__, but it doesn't work. Guessing WebKit is protecting that property somehow.

So, any ideas of how to achieve the same effect in WebKit?

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netnichols Avatar asked Jun 14 '09 08:06


1 Answers

Have you tried do define the getter/setter pair on the document object itself, instead on the prototype?

document.__defineGetter__("cookie", function() {} );
document.__defineSetter__("cookie", function() {} );

I know it shouldn't matter, but I don't underestimate browser quirks. Even with WebKit.


I've done some tests in Chrome 2 and it appears that it only allows defining a setter. Anyway, I'm not sure how valid this observation is to WebKit, as Google Chrome uses a different JavaScript interpreter than WebKit.

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Ionuț G. Stan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Ionuț G. Stan